Designed by master craftsman Shunsuke Kato, this full-fledged urban championship course has hosted prestigious events such as the LPGA Osaka Women's...
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Plentiful random golf news, Kochi Prefecture and Miura fittings in Tokyo!
Join KC, Pro Joe, and Ryan (Damonless) as they navigate through the madness of a quintuple bogey on the PGA tour, and Youtuber Grant Horvat sponsors Mickelson's High Flyers on LIV... John Daly's hand is banged up (perhaps from smashing balls over a motorway on New Year's Eve!) We revisit Kochi
Golf In Japan Podcast Episode #24
oin KC, Damon, Pro Joe, and Ryan as we review the refreshing men's competition at the Olympics. Tokyo is our prefecture of the week, which although doesn't offer a lot of golf course options- its still a golf hotbed and we still love it! The new Golf In Japan Swag has dropped, so learn how to get some in our first giveaway, and everyone gets ready to game the new GT drivers this weekend!
Titleist Fitting in Japan sponsors this podcast:
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Kanagawa C.C.
Designed in 1968, Kanagawa C.C. is one of the older courses in the Kanagawa area. Known for its tricky layout, a golfer will need a a variety of shots...

Dai-Atami Kokusai Golf Club
An esteemed golf course nestled in the Izu area, the course was built in 1961, and is perched atop a hill 450 meters above sea level, offering...