With 27 holes, each possessing its own distinct character and challenges, The Manna Country Club offers a fun and leisurely round amidst breathtaking...
The host course for the ZOZO Championship on the PGA tour, Narashino Country Club has always been at the heart of tournament golf in Japan. Starting with the 1968 Japan PGA Championship, then for 24 consecutive years for the Suntory Open, The Japan Open, the Japan Senior Open, and the JLPGA Players Championship. It will be remembered the most however for the ZOZO Championship, and the iconic win for Tiger Woods claiming his 82nd PGA tour victory and equaling Sam Snead for most wins. The course is a must-play for Trophy Hunter golfers visiting the Tokyo/Chiba area.
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Manna Country Club (Manna Course)
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Minamitochigi Golf Club
This 18-hole course is amazingly laid out amongst some beautiful mountains, in a tiered pattern, offering a spacious layout with gentle downhills and...
Hanazono Golf
Set in a stunning natural setting with outstanding water features, a cool and comfortable scenic course to enjoy playing at-altitude.